Natural Gas Engineering Last Updated: 2024 years ago Mentor: Edvantage Learning
Natural Gas Engineering
₹1000/ $15 ₹1500/ $25
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The field of natural gas engineering is very much important for petroleum engineers specializing in gas processing technology. The event outlines an optimal balance between natural gas production, natural gas processing and gas transportation. An extensive treatise on natural gas engineering, both upstream and gas refining processes with key equipment and facility design will be covered. This event will also highlight the current status of production of natural gas through unconventional sources and the applications of natural gas.

Natural gas engineering includes topics such as

  • How to extract gas and natural gas liquids efficiently from reservoirs taking into account geology
  •  Well locations
  • Well type
  • Well performance
  • Injection and production strategies
  • Production history
  • Reservoir characteristics
  • Fluid characteristics
  • Formation evaluation
  • Reservoir engineering
  • Analytical and numerical simulation methods and reservoir characterization of both conventional and unconventional subsurface resources.
  • Economics