Fundamental of Field Development Planning & Reservoir Modelling Last Updated: 2024 years ago Mentor: Edvantage Learning
Fundamental of Field Development Planning & Reservoir Modelling
₹1499/ $20 ₹1999/ $30
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About the course:: This Field Development Planning short course provides participants with an opportunity to learn the fundamental approach for working and writing a Field Development Plan. The plan is a document that is an output of a sequence of decision- and discipline-based tasks designed to come up with a development plan. It is, also, a basis for coming up with a robust way of developing, producing, and maintaining hydrocarbon resources. A Field Development Plan forms the input for designing associated surface facilities. Combined documents, both subsurface and surface, form the basis for the financial decision. The participants will be introduced to all of these concepts as they are applied to the process of coming up with a development plan in relation to the reservoir life cycle. This course will acquaint engineers, geoscientists, and operating personnel with the basic techniques used by asset management teams.

Learning Objective:

  • The methodology developed in this work is adequate to help in the decision-making process for recovery strategy planning, including oil production and water injection. It provides a set of good alternatives that must be analyzed regarding the objectives and the resources available previously defined for the project.
  • The methodology is flexible and has a low computational cost. Depending on the characteristics of the project, some steps can be simplified or discarded.

Course Duration: 5 Days 

Prerequisite:  This course is designed for multi-disciplinary asset teams of operating companies, comprised of engineers, geoscientists, and managers, who are involved in or will be involved in developing hydrocarbon resources.

Topics to be covered:

Day 1: On the first day, participants will learn the following:

  • Phases of a reservoir's life cycle, the reservoir management process and concepts
  • When should a field development plan be initiated?
  • Spotlight on Field Development Plan Challenges
  • Understand the basics of the gated decision process.
  • Know the goals of feasibility study, concept selection, and concept definition.
  • Team structure in integrated reservoir studies
  • Integrated Reservoir Study—People and Skills

Day 2: Day two of this course will focus on the reservoir simulation concept and the static reservoir model. Participants will learn about the key elements of integrated field planning. Elements of static model building will also be discussed. Participants will learn the following:

  • Essentials of Robust FDP Field Development Options
  • FDP data preparation.
  • Reservoir simulation: Key Elements
  • Elements of Static Model Building
  • Structural Framework
  • Facies Modelling – Depositional Systems
  • Property Modelling: Petro-physics
  • Calculation of volume in place

Day 3: Day three will focus on dynamic reservoir modelling. Specifically, on this day, participants will learn how predicting performance by dynamic model helps robust field development planning. Participants will learn the following:

  • Reservoir Model: Dynamic
  • Upscaling the Dynamic Model
  • Initialization of a Dynamic Model
  • Building a Dynamic Model
  • Dynamic Model – Calibrating Predicting Performance

Day 4: Our economics and planning suite play a significant role in completing the technical insights of geoscientists and engineers with the business analysis and processes needed to support decisions through an asset’s lifecycle. in all stages of a project, from prospect assessment to abandonment. On the 4th day, participants will learn the following:

  • Fundamental petroleum economic principles include revenue, expenditures, cash flow basics, and investment analysis.
  • time value of money
  • common economic indicators, such as pay-out time, net present value, internal rate of return, profitability index, and economic limit.
  • The importance of economic analysis and optimization of development scenarios.

Day 5: The last day of the course will continue with the review of Field Development Plan concepts. Participants will also learn about the following:

  • Figure out HSE activities throughout the FDP phases.
  • Shed light on corporate social responsibility during FDP
  • Know the authorities' functions and stakeholders’ interests and impact
  • Go through a real-life field case study.

The day will end with a workshop including a generic example of field development.