Reservoir Simulation as Decision Box Using MRST Last Updated: 2024 years ago Mentor: Edvantage Learning
Reservoir Simulation as Decision Box Using MRST
₹999/ $15 ₹1499/ $25
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About the course: This course is intended to provide an overview of the fundamentals and applications of modern reservoir simulation. The available data and its incorporation into a dataset that represents a coherent reservoir model are given special attention. The course covers the both static & dynamic modelling, PVT modelling, core analysis, history matching etc.

Like MATLAB, MRST is not primarily a simulator, but is developed as a research tool for rapid prototyping and demonstration of new simulation methods and modelling concepts. To this end, the toolbox offers a wide range of data structures and computational methods you can easily combine to make your own custom-made modelling and simulation tools. MRST nonetheless offers quite comprehensive black-oil and compositional reservoir simulators capable of simulating industry-standard models and also contains graphical user interfaces for post-processing simulation results.

Learn Objective:

  • Purpose of learning reservoir simulation is to predict field performance and ultimate recovery for various field development scenarios to evaluate the effects on recovery of different operational conditions and compare economics of different recovery methods.
  • Reservoir simulation is used extensively to identify opportunities to increase oil production in heavy oil deposits.

Duration: 5+ hours

Prerequisites: we have to know to get static parameters like porosity, permeability and dynamic variables are updated to match with real-time production data.

Topic to be covered:

  1. What is Static Modelling?
  2. What is Dynamic Modelling selection gridding?
  3. Selection of Simulation Model
  4. Core Data Analysis
  5. MB Calculations