About the course: Oil and gas industries are facing several challenges and issues in data processing and handling. Large amount of data bank is generated with various techniques and processes. The proper technical analysis of this database is to be carried out to improve performance of oil and gas industries. This course provides a comprehensive state-of-art review in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence to solve oil and gas industry problems.
The development and progress using these emerging technologies have become smart and makes the judgement procedure easy and straightforward. The study is useful to access intelligence of different machine learning methods to declare its application for distinct task in oil and gas sector.
- The course goal to provide oil and gas professionals as a reservoir engineer, production engineers, geoscientists, drilling engineers, well logging engineers with a comprehensive introduction of data science, machine learning approaches and builds hands-on experience in data mining in real oil field data.
- One of the outstanding features of this course that highlight it from other similar courses is building up your confidence from scratch which includes: -
- Fundamental geological,
reservoir and well data analysis by Tech log platform, Python (comparison)
- Introduction CRISP-DM
approaches as a main framework of mining all well data by Python,
- Deep introduction of ML
and DL methods in logs and different reservoir and geological attributes
Pre-requisites: Participant should have upstream domain knowledge. Prior
programming experience or experience in different upstream disciplines can be
helpful but it is not essential.
Course Duration: 35+ hours
Topics to be Covered: One of the outstanding features of this course
that highlight it from other similar courses is building up your confidence
from scratch which includes: -
- Fundamental geological, reservoir and well data analysis by Tech log platform, Python (comparison).
- Introduction CRISP-DM approaches as a main framework of mining all well data by Python,
- Deep introduction of ML and DL methods in logs and different reservoir and geological attributes estimation.